Filter No. 1
Filter No. 1

Used HEPA filter, 2020 wildfire smoke, dust, hair, and other debris wrapped in rubber on found wooden IKEA cabinet

15 x 13 x 1.5”


Filter N0. 2
Filter N0. 2

Used HEPA filter, 2021 wildfire smnoke, dust, hair, and other debris wrapped in rubber on found wooden cabinet

12 x 12 x 1.5”


Filter No. 1
Filter N0. 2
Filter No. 1

Used HEPA filter, 2020 wildfire smoke, dust, hair, and other debris wrapped in rubber on found wooden IKEA cabinet

15 x 13 x 1.5”


Filter N0. 2

Used HEPA filter, 2021 wildfire smnoke, dust, hair, and other debris wrapped in rubber on found wooden cabinet

12 x 12 x 1.5”


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